Textationships can be fun for a while, but, they aren’t viable and they are a big fat waste of your time. They typically don’t last long and fizzle out on their own, but, sometimes they can last a while.
The problem is, they aren’t real and the longer you maintain them, the more you get used to them and perhaps get emotionally attached. But, it’s up to you whether or not you let this happen.
Well, a textationship is a relationship that is online only, not face-to-face, not on the telephone, just texting or messaging back and forth.
It feels like a relationship because you discuss your life in a meaningful way and perhaps have some intimate moments, but it isn’t real because it never amounts to anything solid.
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For some people this works, for most people, though, textationships are a BIG RED FLAG!
Monday, 24 September 2018