What an absolutely perfect weekend! The extra day certainly helped. I was fortunate enough to be able to spend the last 3 days in Montreal with some of my favourite people in the world. It’s weekends like these that remind me how incredibly fortunate I am.
Rather than naming this post “Weekend Eats” I’ve decided to change it to “Weekend Recap”. Though most of my pictures will be of food and some delicious eats I’ve consumed it’s truly the people I spend these meals with that matter. I hope that more friends and family will make appearances on the blog. But let’s get to it!
BYOW + Indian food? Yes please! This meal at Bombay Mahal was such a blast. Mostly for the people I spent it with and for the wine. The food was good but did not sit well. Based on the cream that seemed to be a staple in every dish I knew full well it was a bad idea but sometimes sacrifices need to be made 😉
Tell me about your weekend! Have you ever been to Montreal? If so, did you have any noteworthy meals?
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Friday, 14 September 2018