Looks, love, career and confidence – some women have it all and make it look easy. What is their secret to balancing all of these things so effortlessly?

Shhh… it’s younger men.
As a woman who now loves dating toyboys, it wasn’t until I started dating them that I realised the positive impact they provide on so many aspects of my life.
But don’t take my word for it. Hear from the women for whom toyboy dating has changed their lives for the better.
Laila: Dating toyboys maintained her gorgeous youthful appearance

Looking good, feeling good:
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Many were wowed by how youthful and beautiful toyboy dating goddess Laila Gledhill, 61, looks, even the media were amazed.
What’s her secret?: According to Laila, it’s all about having the right toyboy companions! Healthy diet, adventure and younger men keep her in tip top condition.
Teresa: dating toyboys gave her real, lasting confidence.

‘I’ve had countless dates. It’s a real confidence boost.’
What’s her story?: ‘I’m in my 50s and for a long time felt invisible to the outside world. I tried traditional dating agencies but only had one date with a man who had let himself go.’
And with younger men?: ‘They certainly make the effort! Since joining a dating site for older women and younger men, I’ve had countless dates. It’s a big confidence boost.’
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This is Gaynor, toyboys helped her reignite the passion in her life

Her opinion: ‘Sex with the younger man is – without exception – breath-taking, mind-blowing and addictive! From start to finish, in the bedroom, bathroom, car, floor and sofa – wherever you let the passion loose.’
But the best part?: ‘Once the passion is spent the chances are it will begin all over again… And again… And again… I absolutely love it!’
Kirsten and Laurence fell in love for all the right reasons

Kirsten, 42, and Laurence, 29
Their love story: After meeting on an online dating site for older women and younger men, the two had their first date at a local gig and were inseparable from that moment on.
In Kirsten’s words: ‘I found my soul mate. For the first time, I have someone who really understands what makes me tick. From the very first time I spoke to him I knew that we were meant to be together.’
And me…? I met the love of my life and made many amazing friends too

You’ve heard from the women that did it already