There is so much controversy about how to teach kids about sex. In general I’m a proponent of “the more you know, the more prepared you are and the better choices you can make.” Recently a new curriculum came out that was touted as “abstinence only.” That tends to be a major red flag for those of us in the field.
But then a respected colleage, a v.p for education at Planned Parenthood, Catherine Dukes PhD had this to say:
Here at Planned Parenthood of Delaware we always support comprehensive age-appropriate sex-positive evidence-based approaches. In fact, the evidence based curriculum Making Proud Choices! is what we use most often with our teenage youth. The authors of that curriculum are: Loretta Sweet Jemmott, John Jemmott, and Konnie McCaffree (President-Elect of SSSS). http://pub.etr.org/ProductDetails.aspx?id=110000&itemno=A400
I saw Loretta Sweet Jemmot speak at a Delaware conference last year and again, I can assure you she is an advocate of comprehensive sex ed and science-based approaches. We even offer training to teachers and youth-service providers on this curriculum: http://www.plannedparenthood.org/delaware/ed-workshops-29159.htm
WE RECOMMEND THE VIDEO: Healthy Body And Beautiful Lifestyle
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When I saw the ab-only study results I was surprised but then comforted that the author of the study/main researcher was Dr. John Jemmot. He is a known credible researcher and comprehensive sex ed curricula autho and a supporter of science-based approaches.
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Dr. Bat Sheva Marcus is a certified sex therapist and the Clinical Director of Maze Women’s Sexual Health, one of the largest centers for women’s sexual health in the country. Dr. Marcus wrote her dissertation on women and vibrator use while earning her Doctor of Philosophy in human sexuality from the Institute of Advanced Study of Human Sexuality. She also has a Master’s in public health from the same institution. She is a licensed social worker with a Master’s degree from Columbia University. Dr. Marcus has worked as the executive director of not-for-profit institutions and corporations, medical practices and laboratories. In addition to being featured in a NY Times article, she is a frequent guest on radio, podcasts and has lectured both nationally and overseas on a wide variety of women's issues.
Wednesday, 28 August 2019