Stress is not just bad for your health, it can also have a negative impact on your sex life.
Stress is an inevitable part of life. In Neanderthal times, cortisol (the main stress hormone) was released during times of danger. It sparked the fight-or-flight reaction and enabled humans to react to life-threatening situations — like running from those saber-toothed tigers. However, in today's modern world, stress is more likely to be due to feeling overwhelmed or overextended at work and home than escaping from a prehistoric animal! This means that we come home from work feeling anxious, hassled, and decidedly unsexy. Luckily, there are several things you can do to help de-stress and find your sexy once again.
Do Your Most Stressful Tasks Early in the Day
It’s human nature to put off unpleasant tasks as long as possible, but the more you neglect your growing in-box, the more stressed and unhappy you will feel throughout the day. It’s better to get those worrying tasks out of the way so that you aren’t rushing around right before you leave the office.
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