Besides blanket scarves and cozy sweaters, my favorite part of fall has got to be the soup. Soup is a huge staple in my diet through a solid 8 months of the year when the weather is cold. I’m even known to make a soup or chili in the middle of summer…It’s the reason soup recipes have probably outnumbered most others on the blog and have become a THM staple. So I wasn’t surprised when a round-up The Healthy Maven SOUP recipes I make all the time became highly requested.
Be sure to check out the other round-ups:
The main reason I love soup is because it is so great to freeze! I make a big batch, freeze half and save the other half to eat through the week. Thank you Mom for teaching me all of your tricky soup ways.
So without further ado, here are The Healthy Maven Soup Recipes I make all the time!
Detox Vegetable Soup
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The name of this recipe can be somewhat misleading . Despite it not having magical “detoxing” powers, this is my go-to when I need a big vegetable boost after a weekend indulgence. Drop the green juice and the salads and go for this delicious soup instead!

Hearty Lentil and Swiss Chard Soup
My Mom makes the BEST lentil soup but I think this recipe gives it a run for its money. Plus we all need an excuse to eat more swiss chard amIrite?

Roasted Heirloom Carrot Soup
Is it sad that I literally go weak at the knees for anything heirloom? The co-op had heirloom carrots the other week so of course I whipped up this soup recipe! So simple, yet so delicious.

Mushroom and Wild Rice Soup
An ode to my favorite minnesotan tribe (aka everyone in my life). I can’t explain how Minnesota ended up playing such a prominent role in this Canadian’s life, but it introduced me to wild rice so I’m certainly not complaining!

The Ultimate Immune-Boosting Soup
Feel a cold coming on? This is my go-to soup! Made with immune-boosting superfoods, this vegetarian soup is truly the bomb. But make sure you use the right mushrooms for the depth of flavor.

Quinoa Tortilla Soup
A delicious vegetarian meal that’s carnivore approved! Seriously though, C and I eat this at least once a week because it’s one of the few veg meals he can get down with…though to his credit he’s come a long way!

Easy Butternut Squash Soup with Crunchy Roasted Chickpeas
I feel like everyone should have a good butternut squash soup recipe up their sleeve. This is mine…and feel free to steal it 😉 It’s simple (no roasting required) and can be made into a full meal when topped with the chickpeas!

On a side note – I mentioned on Instagram that I was thinking about bringing back SOUPER SUNDAY this winter! If you’d like to see another season of this, let me know below! I’d also leave to hear what healthy versions of soup you’d like to see!
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Saturday, 7 September 2019