I always have to laugh when potential members email me to set up an initial consultation and in the last line of the message, they end with a bit of a disclosure saying, ‘Oh, and I have to warn you – I don’t really know what I’m looking for!’

Well, guess what?! You don’t have to identify exactly what you’re looking for in a potential partner to start this journey; in fact, the more open you are, the better! At Bowes-Lyon Partnership, most of our members have a preference or two when it comes to the opposite sex, but it’s important to be aware that Cupid’s arrow can strike unexpectedly as well.
In my own life, I never expected to meet British graphic designer online and get engaged within six months. And I know my husband never thought he’d marry a matchmaker/writer from a faraway land called Ohio (although he always loved American blondes!). Admittedly, he’s not the man I expected to fall in love with, but he turned out to be the best person for me, and that’s what we want for all of our members.
With that said, rest-assured, if you still want a bit of clarity at the start of you membership, a complimentary session with our relationship coach is just what the doctor ordered! Just remember, life is full of surprises – embrace them!
Apologies y'all -- Part 2 featuring the 5150 freestyle can be watched here: .
WE RECOMMEND THE VIDEO: 10-01-19 The Corey Holcomb 5150 Show - Relationship, Dating, and Comedy Drama Part 1