Last updated on June 17, 2020 by Alisa Vitti 54 Comments
If you have been diagnosed with fibroids, I know that you’re already aware of what you should be avoiding (dairy, red meat, all the white stuff). You probably know that the birth control pill can only manage your symptoms and might make them worse when you come off . You want to get a handle on the pain, discomfort and heavy bleeding long term and you want to see some positive change soon. Maybe you also want to try for a baby or maybe you’re just looking to get your old self back again.
If you already know what to avoid as a fibroid sufferer, then you’re already tapped into the idea of food as potential medicine. Some foods make hormonally-sourced conditions worse, and some make them better. Food can alleviate symptoms and even shrink those fibroids back to manageable size. If you think of dairy, red meat, all the white stuff as stimulating and inflaming the fibroids, then these foods and supplements I’ll list here do the opposite – they will calm your internal eco-system and create the right environment for your body to balance itself.
My choices of foods and supplements for you are based on my knowledge and understanding of the root cause of fibroids. According to Western medicine, no one knows for sure what causes fibroids, and you may have heard this from your doctor. However we do know this one very important fact – they are affected by excess estrogen in the body which makes them grow and they will often decrease in size after menopause (when overall body estrogen is lower). So you need an approach to your diet and health that supports your body to process and eliminate this excess estrogen as efficiently and rapidly as possible. You need to create a low estrogen environment in your body. This is why you may have heard that women with fibroids should specifically avoid meat and dairy products from animals treated with synthetic hormones – these are unnecessary and powerful estrogens that can create estrogen dominance and make fibroids grow.
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The 5 foods you should eat if you have fibroids
- Flax seeds – These are part of a food group called “selective estrogen receptor modulators.” This means they affect the effect estrogen has on different parts of the body. Flax seeds inhibit estrogen sensitivity in the uterus, which is beneficial when you have fibroids. They are also a fantastic source of fiber which you need to move excess estrogen out of your bowel as quickly as possible to eliminate it from your body. Finally, flax seeds are a great source of omega-3 fatty acids (which reduce the insulin resistance that can suppress liver function) and lignans ( which bind to estrogen receptors and prevent absorption of excess estrogen ).
- Soy – For those of you who know my work, I’m not a big fan of soy for women in their reproductive years. But in the case of fibroids, certain forms of soy can be beneficial. Specifically seek out non-processed, organic soy in the form of tempeh and miso to add to your diet. This kind of soy has an anti-estrogenic affect on the uterus. Avoid all processed soy like soy cheese, soy meat and other meat and dairy replacements. Moderation is key here and I wouldn’t recommend having soy every day, but unprocessed and organic soy is a useful dietary tool for managing fibroids.
- Beans – Legumes are an excellent source of fiber and protein, plus they have a low glycemic impact which reduces the kind inflammation that can increase fibroid growth. You should focus on kidney beans, lentils, and mung beans. As many fibroid sufferers know to reduce their intake of meat, beans and legumes can be a healthy protein replacement.
- Whole grains – If you know to stay away from the white processed stuff like bread, pasta, and noodles then you’ll sure be looking for a way to replace these in your diet. Whole grains help with insulin stabilization. High insulin levels from white starchy stuff (which acts like sugar in the body) is a factor in making fibroids grow. Whole grains are also a great source of fiber and will help to speed up the process and elimination of excess estrogen.
- Pears and apples – These are liver-supporting foods. A well-functioning liver is key to preventing estrogen dominance developing in your body, and its symptoms like fibroids. Pears and apples contain a flavonoid named phloretin which impairs tumor growth, along with lots of fiber. This flavonoid actual blocks the production of estrogen.
The 3 supplements you should take if you have fibroids
- Milk thistle – for detoxification and protection of your liver, allowing for more efficient processing and elimination of excess estrogen
- Maitaki and shiitake mushroom extract – to boost your immune system and slow fibroid growth
- Chlorophyll – fibroids cause heavy periods and this, coupled with a low meat intake, can leave some women anemic. Chlorophyll is almost molecularly identical to hemoglobin, the difference being magnesium versus iron, but it does help replace what is lost with bleeding and so help with your fatigue and immunity.
Always remember, that once you have the right information about how your body really works, you can start making health choices that finally start to work for you! You can do this – the science of your body is on your side!
Good things come in threes:
I want to hear from you!
First, do you have fibroids?
Second, do you already avoid meat, dairy and the white stuff?
Third, everyone you know is hormonal – spread a little good ovary karma and share this article on social 😉
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Lindsey Thomas says
I had a big fibroid removed from a lap surgery back in November. My diet was very healthy to begin with, but I was a big consumer of red meat and still eat it on occasion, but now eat more venison (that I have hunted myself) and grass fed, local beef. During my lap, they also discovered endometriosis, and it was cleaned up at that time. My tubes and ovaries were in great shape and the doctor says I have a good chance of pregnancy naturally without IVF, so we will be starting to try again soon. Will following these recommendations help with endometriosis as well? Is there anything else you recommend for endo sufferers? I want to do everything I can to keep it and the fibroids from coming back!
Hi Lindsey,
These recommendations will absolutely help with endo! There are many things you can to do support yourself – if you are looking for a comprehensive approach, I would recommend contacting my office for more info!
I just found out I got fibroids how does it go away I’ve never experienced anything like this before
When I commented on some other article abour cervical health (asking about red clover’s suitability for endometriosis), you replied that it should be avoided because of its phytoestrogen content. But in this article, you are recommending flax seed, because of the isoflavones and their action as a SERM. Are the isoflavones in the red clover different from those in the flax seed? Thanks again!
Did you ever hear from Alisa about your question? I was thinking the same thing about Flaxeed and excess estrogen.
Hi Alisa
I have three fibroids, two small and one bigger one about 6 sm. All my life a had a heavy periods, but since about a year ago bleeding are getting shorter-max 2 days from 5-7 days before. I am 39, no kids and I am worried it is early menopause. Though the doctor said my ovaries are working fine.
What is the reason of my short periods and should I worry?
Thank you
Hi Olga,
Let’s set up a time to talk! Please go to this link: http://bit.ly/12Xruvm
I have fibriod of about 3.5cm and have had 3 miscarriages should i go for a myomectomy or what ur advice
Jacqueline Freeman says
Hi Alisa- I have fibroids and have recently had surgery to remove most of them. ,I’m on an anti-inflammatory diet of no legumes or grains. I rarely eat red meat and do not eat processed foods. Is it necessary to add grains and legumes back to my diet for fibroid management?
Hi Sue,
Just reading your comment and agree with you completely. This whole process is very frustrating. I too am 48 almost 49 and have been diagnosed with 1fibroid 5 cm and a enlarged uterus the size of a 3month pregnancy. My doctor is suggesting a embolization which I know is less invasive than a hysterectomy but still seems extreme for 1 fibroid. I’m starting to try and change my diet but even that information is conflicting depending on where you read about it.
Louise Gylsen says
Ginger tea and eating it + organic turmeric reduced the endo and uterus tremendously and I was symptom free for 2 months. The problem is turmeric is a MAO inhibitor and I started getting heart beat and shortness of breath which I have never had before. So I had to stop the turmeric. Sadly I used a cheap curry powder after that and my endo flared up really bad. Now doing research in a frenzy and came across lady’s mantle. Ordered it and waiting for it to arrive. Also learned that artificial colours in food inflame it and from now moving to only simple or organic foods.
Hi Leah,
I would definitely go with other sources of iron: seafood, spinach and other dark leafy greens, dried fruit. You can also try a supplement called Floradix. Eating a lot of meat, especially if it is not organic and grass fed can make other issues pertaining to the hormones worse. You can still eat it from time to time, but I would not recommend it daily.
Adwoa Oduro says
Hey Alisa,
My name is Adwoa and I have 4 large fibroids. When I got diagnosed in December 2015, it was 2 large one with multiple small ones. The naturopathic doctor I consulted recommended some herbal meds and advised to stop taking red meat but said it was ok to take chicken and fish. This doctor is out of the country though. My mother’s friend. Unfortunately, a year later, the fibroids got worse and when i did the scan, was told i now have 4 medium to large fibroids. I changed my diet to less chicken but this time around, ate 80% organic stuff. Bought completely different herbal meds which seems to be working, it’s been about 8 months (I did a 6 month therapy) now but the progression is very slow. It can also be contributed to the fact that I went through 2 years of depression and as well all know, stress produces estrogen which is the food for fibroids. I want to go vegan for a few months and make changes in my herbal supplements. Also, I am not in any depressive moods again. I am doing much better. Please help. Have a few questions as to what to eat; like soy which has become a controversial issue in fibroids. Thanks
Hi Adwoa,
Thank you for checking in! I recommend that you speak with one of my counselors about your history and what options we would suggest to heal naturally. You can schedule that by going to this link:
Yvonne Aderonke Davies says
Appreciate the enlightenment.
Advice on foods and supplements to minimise fibroid excessive bleeding during menstruation.
I have fibroid is 1.9 what should I do
Please help me to shrink the multiple fibroid am having. I am in my late 30s and my period is no longer coming please help me
Ii have multiple fibroid an right side ovarian cyst, have been watching my diet and taking some herbal drugs, I feel much better but am TTC and its not forth coming. Pls ma what do I do.
Goodday, can someone treating fibroid eat yam,fish,rice because am totally confuse o.thank
Hi Alisa, My name is Jocelyn, I was searching for a natural way to shrink fibroids size of a watermelon and find your site. it’s been about 5 years since I’ve been trying. my doctor said to just watch it, menopause will shrink it, but it’s been a year since i don’ have my period and it’s still there. I watch what i eat, don’t eat processed food, fried food, no meat only fish, avoid writing stuff, avoid sweets as much as possible but it’s been a circle; sometimes it’s big some other times not. Am I doing something wrong? please advice. thanks
Hi Jocelyn,
I would see another doctor for a second opinion, first off. IF the fibroid is very large the best plan may be to remove it. Keep up the healthy habits so that others don’t grow.
I am confused the more I read! Like most women who find themselves spending their spare time looking for answers on how to help with fibroids and symptoms. For me, surgery is not encouraged, but no other solution is given. I have already eliminated sugar, caffeine and don’t eat red meat. I generally have a Mediterranean diet and looked for supplements. have been advised DIM supplements are the way to go, but not according to NICE. On diet I have been advised not to eat soya or flaxseeds yet this is the advice above! Desperately seeking guidance.
It can really be confusing to try and piece together everything you read online and make it work for you, I get it! it is so important to know yourself and how your body responds too foods, lifestyle etc. I really recommend that you get more in depth, personalized info before starting too many supplements. I can recommend that you pick up my book “WomanCode” and Christiane Northrup’s book Women’s Bodies Women’s Wisdom to get more info on the issue of fibroids. If you are ready to dig deeper and get more personalized support then schedule a 30 minute session with one of my coaches – they will be able to chat with you on the phone and give you solid insights and recommendations on the spot. Just let me know how I can support you!
For the flaxseeds, do you recommend the powder or the whole flaxseed.
I heard somewhere that the whole one just passes right out so it’s better to use the grounded up powder.
Hi Alisa,
So glad I stumbled upon your site. I have suffered from fibroids for many years, and recently they have been more bothersome. I am in the process of finding a new doctor, but have been trying to control what I can with dietary changes and supplements.
With that said, I have heard mixed opinions on the matter, but is coffee consumption okay? I have heard some say that it makes the fibroids grow. Others say that organic coffee is perfectly fine. And of course, all of the doctors have said that it is okay.
I wanted to get your opinion on the matter.
Thanks in advance!
Hi Eve,
I would not recommend coffee or caffeine for your situation. If you want to see if it makes a deference, I would stay off of it for at least 1 month and notice if you feel improvements. Then, if you go back on coffee, notice if you feel your symptoms worsening. And please be diligent about your Obgyn checkups!
Can I eat white bread once in a while or avoid it totally
Hi Alisa, have you seen or heard anything about following a low-fat diet to help reduce fibroids? I am meeting with a functional medicine dietician and this is what she is recommending, which would be less than 30g per day. If I eat 1 serving of walnuts (1/4 cup) I’m already at 20g for the day! Thanks!
nemufulwi carol says
good day i have a fibroids two small in a womb and one outside. pls help me .how do i shrink them?
I have just been diagnosed with a fibroid through fertility tests. We’ve been trying to get pregnant for a year (I already have a 5year old daughter). I am vegetarian, eat really healthy, started my period at 15, do regular yoga etc so I don’t seem to fit any of the criteria for someone prone to fibroids. I did have endometriosis in my twenties (I’m 39 now). Maybe that’s the link to fibroids?
Hi Rachel, Endometriosis is something you probably still have, and it could be connected.
Erika Dupont says
My name is Erika, I have several fibroids in my uterus. But two months ago I felt a big lump while sleeping on my belly. The doctor suggested and MRI and they found a fibroid the size of 22 week fetus. The doctor suggested a Hysterectomy . He said he will leave the ovaries intact. He also suggested if it doesn’t hurt not to remove it until I start to feel pain. I decided to change my diet completely and start working out. Hopefully that will help shrink the size of the fibroid. So far I don’t feel tired or sick. Only feel this lump while sleeping but thank God no pain.
I have had NO fibroid pain or symptoms. Never knew I had them! Never had a flat stomach but did notice that it felt harder. Especially when I tried to lay on my stomach! Thought I was just putting on weight and needed to work harder at the gym and manage my food better. Went for a woman check up and found out that I have a uterus the size of a 7 month pregnant women. 29cm x 22cm x 11cm. Wow! This is very new to me. Trying to figure out options on my own and Drs to speak to. Amazing how the only symptom I seem to have is a heavy feeling from the size.
I have small fibroids in my uterus .i searched the best diet for reducing it and found out they are few things which can help.
It’s apple cider vinegar with mother two table spoon in warm and every day in the morning before breakfast.
Second thing is organic grounded flax seed in cereal.third thing is funegreek leaf tea .
Hi can some one conceive with fibroid have been trying for over a year now I have submucous fibroid 20mm but causes severe pain and bleeding with clotted blood
I had a submucousal fibroid. It caused lots and pain and bleeding. I had it removed hysteroscopically. It was minimally invasive and was a life changer. I highly recommend having it removed by an experienced surgeon. I still have more fibroids but the submucousal one was the one causing the severe issues and from what I’ve learned is the major culprit in terms of not being able to conceive. Good luck ??
Hello ,
Does this also apply for endometrial polyps? I am hoping to shrink the polyp so i dont have to get surgery to remove it.
i am 28 yrs old. i am detected with two fabroid one is very small but one is bigger than uterus my rightovary is also swollen. please guide how to shrink this fabroid
Esther Archibong says
Please, under the supplement is it advisable to take all the three supplement at once?
is it advisable to take all three supplement at once?
Do you recommend systemic enzymes such as Vitalzym to help shrink fibroids?
Hi Lily,
Any supplement can supplement your healing plan. But I have never seen 1 supplement do the whole job. You will definitely want to look deeper into what is creating the internal biochemistry that allows fibroids to grow and tackle the foods, inflammatory agents/behaviors that could be contributing. Good luck and keep us posted!
Hi Alisa, please i am 26 years old and i am diagnosed with uterine fibroid. The doctor i saw said its small so nothing will be done about it. She asked me to come for check ups every six months. I don’t know what to do. Please help me.
Almost naturally fibroid free says
Oh my gosh! I am so happy I found you. Long story short. Fibroid symptoms over 30 yrs ago. 12 yrs ago- 1 the size of a grapefruit. 3 yrs ago- so many they could not count and 3 planned operations nixed because I was full of infection? 6 months later- so sick I could not work or afford the $4000/ month insurance and co pays then started cleaning up my lifestyle and diet. As of today my 6 month pregnant fibroid tummy is now flat as a pancake.☺ 1 big fibroid came out of me a few months ago. Last week 1 about the size of an egg came out of me.The point- in the last month I have been craving flaxseeds and sunflower seeds like crazy. I have been trying to stop myself from eating them but I just cant. And yesterday I craved apples like crazy. I noticed a few days ago that the breast tenderness that I have had for years is completely gone. Then today 3 small fibroids have come out of me. Now that I have read this it seems like my body is craving these things because it is ready to get rid of the rest of them.☺ I just want to make sure it is ok to be eating A LOT of flaxseed. I was grinding it fresh but now I cant wait. I just chew them up really good. When Im not eating flaxseed I am eating sunflower seeds. Is it safe for me to do this?
Curious…What do you mean the fibroids came out of you? What are you doing in your diet?
Almost naturally fibroid free says
Hi Carrie! When reading this info take in consideration my circumstances. I am 48 yo so there is a good chance I am premenopausal and my estrogen levels are dropping. I do hard labor all day in 100 degree weather so I sweat a lot and lose a lot of vitamins and minerals. So I pretty much eat every second I get. The fibroids literally came out during my period over the course of about 6 months. When the biggest one came out I thought I was dying. Over the course of 24 hours the pain was unbearable and nothing helped. Then, for about an hour I was vomiting and had a fever. Then all of the sudden it came out and instantly no more pain or vomiting or fever. It was so weird. Since then several have come out but I was not sick like that. It felt like I only had 1 left and I could barely feel it anymore. But this week it got huge. That is why I am here. I am hoping it is dying and that is why it got so big so fast. The blood has been impossible to control and I have been very dizzy. A few months ago I started taking iron supplements because I was losing so much blood I was anemic. This is what I have been doing for the past 3 years:
No processed foods
Only organic/ gmo free. No refined sugar, only honey.
I do drink at least 2 cups of coffee a day
Every morning; 1 tsp black seed oil, 1 tablespoon coconut oil, 1 tablespoon ACV in water, 1 tablespoon morenga powder in water.
One pasture raised egg and half a sweet potato for breakfast with a lot of fresh garlic and onion and top quality olive oil and 1 tsp of grass fed butter.
I eat 2 or 3 bananas, 1 or 2 string cheese and about a half cup of walnuts or sunflower seeds and about 2 tablespoons fresh ginger (the ginger is a life saver for pain and infection) during the day.
About 4pm I take 1 more tsp black seed oil. I habe a huge galss of chocolate milk every day with organic pasture raised milk, raw cacao and honey.
Huge kale or beet green salad every night with wild caught sockeye salmon 2-4 times a week. The other nights I add organic grass fed beef or pasture raised hard boiled eggs and lots of fresh garlic and onion and half an avocado and lots of top quality olive oil. I also take 2 packets of EmergenC every day to help with iron absorption and to replenish what I lose when sweating. I think that kickboxing 3 times a week helped a lot too. I try to drink a gallon of water every day. I also crunch on flaxseeds several times a day. I was taking 800 mg of green tea and 3 tablespoons fresh turmeric every day until I found out I was anemic. They screw up your iron absorption. I wonder if me stopping them made this fibroid grow.
I dont know if that helps. I was seeing a Dr. 4 years ago but he told me my only option was hysterectomy. I refuse to give up the really good orgasms and all the hormones my uterus produces to make me happy so I respectfully declined. Plus, as soon as I stopped going to the Dr. and cleaned up my diet my symptoms weren’t as severe and I had an extra $4000 in my pocket ever month.
What kind of fibroids were they? Stalked, submucousal?
may i know for the fibroid, is safe to eat almond? i though almond is good, as read some article but i have being eating almond every day as snack, but from your website above it said almond can grow estrogen?
Amrita Nandoo says
So i have a fibroid thats 5cm big and it kept paining me. No pain meds was able to help me. I had started using evening primrose capsule and the pain stopped for awhile and when i stop using the capsules the pains came back. Im not sure if this is helping to shrink it cause the size of my right ovary was 3times the left ovary. Two months after they did another ultrasound and found the fibroid at 5cm big.
Hi my name is Jasmine Evans I have fibroids and I been in a lot of pain have abdominal pain and my legs been hurting and back.and I been throwing up stuff can’t hold anything down I just been throwing up.. and I have to have a pillow on my stomach
Please I wanna knw if Fibroid tea help shrink fibroid
I have fabriods and I tried to get pregnant through ivf but towards the time the eggs was to be picked, the Doctor could not see my uterus because the fabriods was covering my overies, so I want to try natural remedies to shrink the size or get rid of it hopefully
Hi Alisa, I have 3 fibroids the size of oranges growing in my uterus, my gynaecologist wants to trail me on a medication called provera to stop of periods and reduce my oestrogen level if this fails he then wants me to go on a hormonal tablet called zolafkex .. the side effects to this is menopause symptoms , the alternative is to have surgery and have them removed however there could be a chance once they remove these they need to also remove my uterus which means a hysterectomy. I’m 39 no children and I’m really scared …..
Wednesday, 18 December 2019