The following article is a guest post, courtesy of Bronson Farr
Hey Bagels,
We’re close to wrapping up Throwback Week with a trip to the nation’s capitol, Washington DC. So far we’ve been to San Francisco, NYC, Boston, and LA. Here are some creative date ideas for you and your bagel if the line for the White House tour is too long.
Open City: With breakfast served all day and other delicious choices this DC diner is one to definitely make a trip to. It also has outdoor seating so be sure to take advantage of the summer weather while it lasts!

Anyone order the French Toast?
The Family Drive-In Theatre: You can catch the latest summer movies at the The Family Drive-In Theatre, and the best part is there’s a double feature every night every Sunday through Thursday. Because there are so many new movies coming out this summer, movies showing at the drive-in vary from week to week. You can check which showtimes and purchase tickets here.

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The Family Theatre shows all the of the newest movies.
Fort Myer Bowling Center: looking for some old fashioned fun? Why not bowling? The upside to this spot is that shoe rentals are $2 and games are $3 each. But the downside it is on a military base and you have to go through a security checkpoint to get in. Not to worry though, the journey is well worth it because it is one of the best bowling alleys around.

The bowling center at Fort Myer is also known as Strike Zone.
Thursday, 16 January 2020