When you find yourself throwing a Saturday night pity-party because you don’t have Mr. Right knocking on your front door holding a bouquet — here are some things you can do instead.
Get off Social Media
Scrolling through pictures of babies, engagement rings, and first-looks are just going to fuel bitterness and jealousy. Your friends aren’t going to stop having adorable families anytime soon, so if you can’t handle the feed, get off the network and remove yourself from the situation.
Do this: Delete the app
Hang out with your favorite married couple
I had the pleasure of spending last weekend with one of my favorite married couples. You know the type I am talking about — the couple that enjoys each other’s companionship so much that they actually make marriage look fun. Spending time with them reminds me that there is no rush when it comes to finding my ‘perfect’ fit and gives me hope for what the future holds. I am so excited to find someone to adventure through life with, and I’ll wait another 26 years for that person if it means holding out for my best friend.
Do this: make a phone call
5 Questions You should Ask That Divorced Guy You're Dating.
WE RECOMMEND THE VIDEO: 5 Questions You should Ask That Divorced Guy You're Dating
Pick a passion
The fact that you have the time and energy to even worry about dating, means you’re in the top 1%. Some people are too busy trying to survive to daydream about what flowers make the best centerpieces. Find a cause you are passionate about and get involved! Animal rescues, homeless shelters, mentorship, etc. Research NGO’s and find opportunities for volunteering, fundraising, or simply donating financially. The less time you spending thinking about yourself, the better you’ll feel.
Research this: charity: water / First Descents / Volunteer Match
Drink a bottle of wine
Because we all know that when you’re in a relationship you have to do sharsies.
Drink this: One Hope Wine
Bake cookies
I don’t know when the tradition of baking cookies for significant others started, but let’s spread the love to family, friends, and co-workers. My sister occasionally sends me a box of homemade cookies from Montana, and it never fails to make my day. Make someone else’s day by surprising them with cookies! No reason required.
Bake this: Cake mix cookies
Figure out how to use a Dyson vacuum
I don’t mean this in a sexist, women-need-to-be-in-the-kitchen kind of way. I just mean if you’re really looking to kill an evening, this is a good way to do it. It took me an hour to vacuum my room last night because there are more gadgets and buttons on a Dyson than my MacBook. I am a web-developer, which means I am usually pretty good about figuring out how things work — but dammit Dyson, you win.
Read this: Manuals
Get a promotion
Focus on changing your job title instead of your last name. Spend some free time learning a new skill or establishing new relationships in your industry. Being single is a great time to dive into your career. This might mean taking a weekend course or going to a conference. Besides, you never know who you might meet!
Do this: Join a meetup in your industry
Go out with Mr. Wrong
You won’t know he’s not Mr. Right unless you go out with him. However, once you do realize he’s not right for you, there is no need to continue seeing him. I am a huge supporter of dating (online or offline). It’s a great way to get to know yourself and meet new people. But don’t do it out of loneliness. It’s not healthy for you or fair to the other person.
Download this: Coffee Meets Bagel
Get Healthy
Mentally, emotionally, spiritually, physically — get yourself in a good position so when you do meet someone, you won’t start a relationship with loads of emotional baggage.
Do this: join workout class / seek counseling / meditate / register for a race
Have other ideas or resources you’d like to share? I’d love to hear them!
Tweet at me (and make it a good hashtag!) // @leah_schuster
About Coffee Meets Bagel (CMB) : CMB is a free dating service that helps members make meaningful connections. It’s designed for busy singles who want to find something real with little or no effort.