I’m at it again! Putting my own online dating reputation at risk for the better good of online daters everywhere, in particular our own users. My previous post was based on improving the way men message women. This time I tested out 11 different types of profile pictures to understand which profile pictures are the most successful for men to use on their online dating profiles. I based the success of each type of profile picture by how many responses each one received when I would message women. The styles are listed from most to least successful. For example, smiling in a basic setting received the most responses while taking a selfie proved to be the worst option. Of course everyone will experience different outcomes but this should give men a good idea of what their main online dating profile picture should be.
1. Smiling

The classic smile received the most responses and was the outright winner!
2. Animal Pic

Having an animal picture is said to display a passion for another living entity, which women find quite attractive.
3. Outdoors
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WE RECOMMEND THE VIDEO: John Gray-Dating A Man After Divorce or Recent Break-Up (Rebound Relationships)
Showing that you’re active is a way to display both ourselves and our interests.
4. Not Smiling

Not smiling may turn some women away but at least you aren’t doing anything to embarrass yourself.
5. Picture with girl

Taking a picture with a girl is hit or miss with many women. On one hand it shows what we look like with a girl, on the other hand, why put a women on our online dating profile in the first place? Do you bring sand to the beach?
6. Shirt off

It depends on the type of women we want to attract. If we want something long-term then we should keep our shirts on, at least on the Internet that is.
7. Group Picture

First off, if there is more than one guy then it may confuse the viewer of the profile. Also if there are multiple girls it could send the wrong message.
8. Costume

Whoever looks at your profile wants to see you, not what you look like in something you wear once a year. Costume pictures are okay as secondary images but not for the main profile image.
9. Eating

10. Cropped

Thoughts that go through the mind of someone who views a photo that is cropped: “Are they hiding something? Who else was in the picture? Do they honestly not have something else to use? They suck at cropping…”
11. Selfie

One of the number one complaints people have about online dating profiles has something to do with people posting selfies.
About Coffee Meets Bagel (CMB) : CMB is a dating app designed with women in mind. Founded by 3 sisters in 2012 in NYC, CMB aims to deliver a fun, safe, and quality dating experience that results in meaningful relationships.