February 17, 2011

So this past month my analysis of the market has been less than favorable. Along with a whole host of other traders, I have continued to feel like the next big move down is just around the corner. Sadly enough (with the help of the FED) this market continues to push the upper limits.
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You Cannot Out-Smart The Market
Just goes to show you that you still cannot out-smart the market! Thankfully, my trading style does not rely on my analysis being right. I'm sure at one point you actually believed you could out-smart the market and make a ton of money doing it? I'm sure you also learned the hard way why that's a complete load of crap.
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Odds Trading Really Works
I'm an odds and probability trader and have been for most of my career. I trade strategies that have historically proven to be successful, provide steady income and are market neutral. With these strategies you don't have to be 100% right in your timing and direction. In fact, as this video proves, you can even be 100% WRONG and still make money.